How to Write Your CV

Synthetic sheet
The curriculum is the professional identity card with which you are proposing to the job market, a document that will accompany you throughout your working life and will allow you to successfully pass the pre-selection phase: that's why It's essential to keep it constantly updated.
In order to enhance your experience and skills, it is essential to know how to synthesize your story effectively (average time is 3 minutes), but also to find a different "catch" each time in relation to the recipient's needs.
A template that can be created with Microsoft Word can be used to compile a suitable curriculum, which can be converted into various formats (eg in pdf), depending on the company's requests, and emailed. A useful find is to save a copy to just text format, so if you are asked to compile a curriculum template directly on the site, just copy and paste the information.
The Curriculum must have a clear and defined profile that corresponds to the type of work for which you are proposing. Those who read it must be able to understand what your professionality is from a glance at first, and then be tempted to learn more by reading the text in more detail.
It is very important to write a curriculum vitae that is in line with the profile required: Depending on the job you are looking for, select carefully the studies, the courses and the professional experience, giving more or lesser emphasis to certain sections of CV compared to others.
Among the most common mistakes is to submit the Curriculum without having carefully selected the offers of interest to you. Treating the details of each application will save time both to you and the breeders and will give you a chance to dedicate yourself to the curriculum personalization. There are also some gimmicks that can help capture the scout's attention: for example, use the bold to highlight one or more work / training experiences that you feel important, or if you want to highlight a specific company you have collaborated or studying abroad if foreign languages were required.
Read the content of the offer and how it is sent before sending it: some companies express exact requests for completing the application (eg specify a word in the subject of the email, submit CVs in the required format, etc.). Even when we are sure that we have written an exhaustive curriculum vitae, graphically cured and calibrated on the basis of the candidacy we forward, there is a very important not to forget: recruiters spend on average 6 seconds only on the first exam of each CV it is very useful to use keywords. The curriculum must contain all the information in a sober, precise and concise manner: it is good practice that the CV does not exceed the two pages and that the periods are not too long and complex so that the recipient can display it correctly.
At the end of the curriculum vitae, you must give consent to the processing of personal data, for the presence of sensitive data (religious or political affiliation, racial, etc.). A standard, correct, and frequently used formula, with reference to the privacy statement, is as follows:
I authorize the processing of personal data, including sensitive ones, for the purposes and for the effects of Decr. lgs. No.196 dated 30/06/2003 for the purposes of this notice of application. i>
Do not forget, of course, to enter your signature under the statement.