Training courses

Synthetic sheet
New Frontiers working with the Forma.Temp Fund for the Formation and Support of Employee Income Tax, constituted in the form of free association and non-profit, manages and organizes courses for candidates for work assignments in administration enrolled at their agency and workers with a mission in progress.
The wide choice of courses available is in two directions:
- Basic training aimed at providing general knowledge related to the world of work
- Professional training that primarily targets the development of specialized knowledge and skills of the human resource, making it able to fit in and fit profitablely to the multiple productive and organizational contexts of business users.
Nuove Frontiere Lavoro organizes these courses in collaboration with IDEE INSEME Soc.COOP SOC. a training institute, accredited to FORMATEMP and the Campania region for training management.
Types of organized courses
Administration and accounting; Tourism Management; Training Formators; Web Writing; Human Resources; Import and Export in German; Import Export in French; Chinese Export Import Export; Import and Export in Spanish; Basic Spanish; English base; Basic French; Basic informatics; Basic Italian for foreigners; German level A1 with certification at GOETHE; Hardware operator; Project Planning; Acting at back office; Graphic designer; Computer technician; Polishing and painting agent; Legal assistant; Safety art. 37; Event organizer; Data entry operator; Payments and Contributions; Graphic Designer; Java programming; Press officer; etc. There are several hundreds of people involved.
Courses as supported by Formatemp are entirely free for participants.
Thanks to a monitoring and control system, the courses are subjected to a continuous verification of learning as defined in the design in order to ensure a continuous improvement.
The large, bright, air-conditioned rooms with video projector and PCs are totally dedicated to teaching and training.
The computer classroom is adequately equipped for specific activities.
If needed, IDEE INSEME provides a platform called SCORM Certified Campus Ideas Campus, which, thanks to the help desk, design and tutoring service, can combine traditional training sessions with Distance Training.
Everything is characterized by an ideal, engaging, and strong solicitation for the participants: the right way to enter the work world.