How to Write Your Cover Letter
Sintetic sheet
The advantage of the presentation letter is to have a very simple structure that frames the communication so that the reader is slid and, in any case, the contents are well positioned.
What to keep
Essential elements for writing a good letter of presentation:
- Sender's details (name, surname, phone number, and email address);
- recipient data (possibly name and surname, to address it to a specific person);
- The place and date (the letter must be updated, you should not have the impression that you have sent a dated or left-to-case document, with standard texts);
- consent to the processing of your personal data (with reference to Legislative Decree 196/2003: it must be reported especially in the Curriculum Vitae, but indicating it in the letter is a sign of completeness).
Logical distribution
The presentation letter by practice is divided into three basic paragraphs:
- Who am I and why am I writing?
It is advisable not to repeat name and surname again (to which other spaces are dedicated). The only weapons available to us are the words: no matter how nice or affable we are to be able to relate through the submission letter (these will be cards to be played at the interview), but we will prove to be able to go straight to the point. NO to "my name is Mario Rossi, I'm an engineer ...", and yes to "I'm a young graduate" (if you graduate with the maximum and in a short time, you can use the expression "I'm a brilliant neolaureato in" ), or if you already have experience, you can present yourself through the professional role (no references to the job, which are in the CV!): I am a chemical expert, a marketing manager, an electronic engineer, a computer engineer, a skilled worker, etc. - Why should my application be chosen and considered?
This phase certainly represents the most important paragraph of the presentation letter, and is often the only part that is carefully considered by the CV reader. Change according to each person's professional seniority level (in this regard, see some examples). We must therefore be perspicacious, we are playing an important card, where to insert synthetically but effectively:- motivations:
clarify what leads us to look for a specific job position and talk about our stimuli: why did we choose that company rather than another? - Objectives:
The professional goals we set for short and medium to long term. What are we looking for in this company? On what basis do we think we can reach this goal? - Quality and strengths:
can be internships and internships, other work experience, thesis and research on business-related issues, experiences abroad, knowledge of multiple languages, and a particular personal interest in strategic business activities.
- motivations:
- Thanks and conclusions.
With the concluding part we can appeal to the reader's attention ("thank you for the attention"), claiming to be available for further clarification of the candidacy and, in the meantime, to be awaiting a response, inviting him contact us again, pointing to our direct contact details and our availability.