Data processing center

Get the right direction to your business
Through our affiliate Human Capital we offer data processing services
Processing of Individual Payrolls
Printed by a laser system authorized by the INAIL and then replacing the traditional payroll;
Prepare the Monthly Recapitulation Statement for Months
(skills, retention, employee contributions and premiums, and / or employees), grouped by categories of employees, also for Irap purposes and, on request, subdivided by department and cost center;
Prepare payroll bills
by credit card or on demand on magnetic media;
Processing and printing F24 templates
both in PDF and text format, for forwarding via the home banking channel;
Employment and Employment Termination Communication
to the Employment Center (eg placement office) and other relevant offices;
Examining your work documents;
Update Required Books;
Company registration with Social Insurance Institutions
(INPS, INAIL etc.) and the Funds (PREVINDAI etc.) and the ordinary management of such reports;
Compilation and Telematic Delivery
with the prior consent of the company, the DM 10 / M models and the monthly payroll at the Inps;
Custom Development, Processing and Printing
of Family Attachment Requests, Declarations for Right to Tax Deductions, Trade Unions, Tabs and Data Extras business needs;
Development, Processing and Printing Fine Annual Report
Annual Report with Prospects for Company and Employees;
Development, Processing and Printing of the I.OL.A.I.L. Service Provider
of the various insurance positions in the Company;
Costs and Prospects for Costs;
Definition of Salary Claims
with submission to I.N.A.I.L. according to current legislation;
Development, Processing and Printing of C.U.D. Models and the Simplified Model 770 for Employee Certification and Assimilated Income, telematics transmission management to the Ministry of Finance in accordance with current legislation;
Developing, processing and printing UNIMENS I.N.P.S. models
for employee compensation payments for social security purposes; management of telematics transmission in conjunction with mod.770 as per new provisions.
Relationships with the offices of I.N.P.S., I.N.A.I.L.,
Provincial Labor Directorate for the correct management of the above mentioned tasks.